the Childhood of Joan of Arc A musical film by Bruno Dumont
from the novel of Charles Péguy
"Jeanne D’arc" (1897) & "Le Mystère De La Charité De Jeanne D’arc" (1910)

Lise Leplat Prudhomme
Jeanne Voisin
Lucile Gauthier
Victoria Lefebvre
Aline Charles
Elise Charles
Nicolas Leclaire
Gery De Poorter
Regine Delalin
Anaïs Rivière
Director & Screenwriter: Bruno Dumont
Based on novels by Charles Péguy
Music composer : IGORRR
Additional music composers : Nils
Cheville, Laure Le Prunenec, Aline
Charles, Elise Charles, Anaïs Rivière
Choreographer : Philippe Decouflé
assisted by Clémence Galliard
Additionnal Choreographers : Aline
Charles, Elise Charles, Nicolas Leclaire
Victoria Lefebvre, Jeanne Voisin
Cinematographer : Guillaume
Editors : Bruno Dumont and Basile
Line Producer: Cedric Ettouati
Script Supervisor: Virginie Barbay
Sound: Philippe Lecoeur
Mixing: Emmanuel Croset
Sound Design: Romain Ozanne
Costum Design: Alexandra Charles
Hair And Make Up: Simon Livet
Casting: Clément Morelle
First Assistant: Claude Guillouard
Dialogs Director: Catherine Charrier
Songs Director: Laure Le Prunenec
Location Manager: Edouard Sueur
Producers: Jean Bréhat, Rachid
Bouchareb, Muriel Merlin
A Taos Films - Arte France coproduction
with Pictanovo and the support of Région
Hauts de France in partnership with
CNC - Le Fresnoy Studio national des arts
with the support of Sacem
developped with the support of
Cinemage 10 Développement, Cofinova
Developpement 3, Procirep Angoa Agicoa
World sales : Luxbox
France, 1425. In the midst of the Hundred Years’ War, the young Jeannette, at the still tender age of 8, looks after her sheep in the small village of Domremy. One day, she tells her friend Hauviette how she cannot bear to see the suffering caused by the English.
Madame Gervaise, a nun, tries to reason with the young girl, but Jeannette is ready to take up arms for the salvation of souls and the liberation of the Kingdom of France. Carried by her faith, she will become Joan of Arc.